
Monday, September 1, 2014

Catching up with... The ALS Bucket Challenge

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge You know about it, you have seen it. It has been the big fad of late August, all over social networks and mainstream media, with all sorts of celebrities involved, etc etc.

All I can say about is...

Washington, D.C. (August 29, 2014) —Today, The ALS Association has topped $100 million in donations from people all over the globe who were moved to action by this summer’s Ice Bucket Challenge. As of August 29, the Association has received $100.9 million in donations compared to $2.8 million during the same time period last year (July 29 to August 29).

That's just from one of the several associations who have benefited from it, but it gives a good figure of the increase.
And the awareness raised about the illness, however feeble in a lot of cases, is still invaluable.
So, here you see a lot of sexy and funny photos from the campaign, SL-style! And too bad I can't link youtube videos , because I loved SL celebrity photographer Skip Staheli's, for instance. And others i will mention in a future post. Is the rippling wave of Bucket challenge pics over? Mostly, but we'll assess the situation later. It will be a good chance to remind people to DONATE to the charity and learn about Lou Gherig's disease. For now, enjoy!

Bucket Challenge ALS Ice Bucket Challenge SL MY ALS CHALLENGE ALS Ice Bucket Challenge SL Bucket Challenge Wicked Creative Studios ~ Ice Bucket Challange Wicked Creative Studios ~ Ice Bucket Challange Icebucket Challenge.. Blitzy and scooby's Ice Bucket Challenge ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Ice Bucket Challenge! The Ice Bucket Challenge Bucket Challenge! ice bucket challege c ASL Ice Bucket Challenge ~ FleurCoco
Topless Tuesday Ice Bucket 08-26-2014_001

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