
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Spotlight: August 21 ∙ Cream Release

Cream Released ∙ by Ali

  'Spotlight' is a special photo gallery featuring works by photographers and models from our community ∙ enjoy!  -Ali

 Just under two years ago Cream Release began her illustrious career in Second Life porn and erotica.  I first shot her in late December 2014.  We met at my studio and she told me that my Sis Partee had "led her down this rabbit hole" of porn, so we can all thank Partee for this adorable, colorfully bright and sexy sprite in our midst.  I shot a test of Cream then and realized that she was a dream model.  I told her, "You will eat the camera alive and fill the screen."  That she did! - and has been doing so ever since.  Both posing and shooting for and with so many other artists, Cream has become very well known.  She's also a successful, award winning film actress.  Appearing in numerous magazines as a photographer and model hasn't hurt her dazzling appeal one bit, either.  Cream is currently Executive Photography Editor for Connoisseur Magazine and her work there is second to none.  Yes, I'm biased - we became sisters along the way and I love her with all my little heart.  Please enjoy the following photos by Cream and by others.



  Cream Release

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