Thursday, May 28, 2009

Jennnnna Stars In New Pool Party Movie

Hi all. A busy week! Today I'm featured in the incredible (and sexy) Ruff Brocco's newest release, "Pool Party Orgy." You'll see me with hottie Dimon Hax for a lot of it, and then a sexy double team at the end. Mmmmmmmm hopefully Ruff has even more to come. Enjoy!

Jennnnna's Next Film

Jennnnna's Next Film, originally uploaded by Jennnnna Jameson.

The cast of one of my next SL films from Casca Films and the great SL director, Luc Bulgar. From right to left, Casca, Jennnnna Jameson, Luc Bulgar, Natalie Shuffle

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Here it is!! The great Kathrein Henhouse has graciously allowed me to debut my section of latest SL movie. It's over 7 minutes long with sound (gawd am I enjoying my work or what!). The movie is going to be part of her new SL reality movie. I really hope you all enjoy...and thank you Kathrein, you are the best!

Starring: Jennnnna Jameson
Actor: Jacen Fogarty
Director/Editor: Kathrein Henhouse

Friday, May 22, 2009

The Return of Natty

My hawt SL friend Natalie Shuffle finally returned after weeks of not being online. Needless to say, we made up for lost time...with another friend. You can see it all on my Flickr site. But enjoy this little taste:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pics By Noted Photographer, Clarissa Szimmer

Jennnnna_003, originally uploaded by Clarissa Szimmer.

Another very nice pic by the great Clarissa Szimmer. Also taken on March 26th.

And Another Jennnnna Pic By Clarissa

A very sexy pic by the lovely photographer Clarissa Szimmer. it was taken March 26. I love it Clarissa, thank you!

Jennnnna's First Movie

It's very rough. Just a few scenes put together. But I'm a SL porn star :)

Starring: Jennnnna Jameson
Director/Editor: Wifey Korobase

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

New Jennnnna Movie With BangBrothas Coming Soon!

Jennnnna Shower, originally uploaded by Jennnnna Jameson.

I just wanted you to know I was doing a verrrry naughty movie with the great Ruff Brocco. It stars me, Cori Miami and many more! (giggles)

Look for it coming soon!

 Mmmmmm...Surprising how dirty u can get getting clean in a shower :)