Hi, I've put a lot of work into the blog the last few days. If you haven't noticed, there's a lot of new developments. So I thought I'd take a sec and point them out to you.
If you notice to the right, there's a section for all my movies. Now they are super easy to find and watch. Feel free to leave me a review of your favorite part!!
We're also into our TOP TEN of my the most popular pics on
MY FLICKR page. If you haven't checked it out, take a look. There are almost 200 naughty pics of me there. (You just need a Flickr account to see the sexy ones :)
Also, I put a lot of effort into this blog. So please get the word out about me. And if you haven't done so, please subscribe or follow. And please leave comments. If I know you are reading, it will give me the encouragement to keep doing this :)
I just gotta know you are enjoying it!!
Many kisses (wherever you want them),