Today's Gallery is completely made up of Pornstars using the
'TheSexiestPornstarsSL' tag on their uploaded work at Slushe.Com. We now have around 600 images using our tag. And when added to your collection of image Tags once, that's it! It's automatically added to every picture you upload at the site. The Tag is our
Sexiest® Group at Slushe. I feel we have a true 'Sexiest' community there now. And with such numbers now tagging their awesome Porn Projects at Slushe, it looks like those not using that tag will miss out on our weekly Gallery.
The Sexiest® Slushe just gets hotter and hotter! Reflecting the fact our members can post anything they wish at
Slushe.Com from truly explicit hardcore pure Porn content to erotic portraits and projects and videos! It can really work as your one and only home for all your Pornstars work. Making it the perfect venue for former Free Flickr Members looking for a new host. As well as current Flickr Pro members looking for a new fresh audience.
Slushe now has it's own official 'Second Life' Category. So us former Flickr Pornstars can really feel welcome! ( Existing members may want to add and 'Opt In' to this new category. As Second Life content may not be visible until you do. )
Serenity. x
We are brought together at Slushe using the 'TheSexiestPornstarsSL' Tag/Label on our uploaded pictures. This makes them easily searchable by other members and by this blog in order to become Blog Content on this Gallery and other posts. The Tag is our 'Sexiest Group' there just like on Twitter.
Disclaimer - Gallery lineup order does not reflect any type of status or ranking. It generally just means the images nearer the top were gathered earliest. On weeks of high activity, only one image per person will be selected. Other times more than one could appear if they vary and cross from one theme to the other. ie One Naughty or One Topless. Non-selection is also not connected to ranking or status. It most likely means the images featured were gathered for selection before the image was published. Or in some cases genuine 'Human Error' ( We're not robots. And a team of 'One' produces this. ) or lack of time, or publication after post completion meant it was missed.