Saturday, December 11, 2010

Emanuelle Jameson On Top Of Jennnnna Jameson!!!!

A 3D Art Piece by Jinx Jiersen with Emanuelle Jameson on top :)

This week, for the first time, the tag Emanuelle Jameson passed the name Jennnnna Jameson. For those of you who don't know, my original name on Second Life was Jennnnna. A lot of my older friends in world call me that. But it's been months now since the change to the new name, and thanks to everyone who made the transition so fun.

Emanuelle has become me. It's my own name and identity. And a special thanks to my friend Eddi Haskell for suggesting it!!!

Oh and just for fun, here's a SL pic of RL pornstar Jenna Jameson and me, SL pornstar Emanuelle Jameson.


  1. There's a real problem with the first picture of the two girls of this post.

    The horizontal girl is lying on her right hip, with left hand on top of left leg positioned toward the viewer (look at the toes of the foot)

    No way in hell is her right leg going to go vertical like the other girl is holding it, unless it's dislocated. Also vertical leg is enormously distorted in length.

    Whoever created it did a major screw up.

  2. OK, never mind.

    I see now that it's the left leg of the vertical girl.

    My bad.

    But that vertical leg is still way too long.

  3. Sounds like something you should pass along to Myth busters.
