The criteria for being picked as having the Pornstar XXX Factor each day is a little different from the Sexiest pic of the day. We'll be looking at those more prominent in the SL group "The Pornstar's", and also the Sexiest pic is a creative photography contest. This is as much about showing yourself, or a sexy Pornstar in a hot way as anything else. Of course this means, you do have to be in the Second Life group to be eligible.
As with the Sexiest pic of the day we'll have a monthly poll for the Pornstar with the most XXX Factor each month.
You're also welcome to leave comments on each post, with URL's for pictures you wish to be considered. We'll also accept screen shots from movies, as long as the Director is credited. Please do put yourself forward and bring yourself to our attention.
So, first up is Meg Corral.
As well as showcasing herself, and showing us all she has the XXX Factor and then some! Meg also put together a very artistic and eye catching beautiful photograph. To become our very first actress on this new feature. Congrats Meg!
Serenity Juneberry. xx
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