I've seen the expression "Google is your friend" many times on Internet message boards. It's never been more true than with Envy Watts above! Google gets over 320 Million hits a day in the U.S alone. How many times does Envy get hit on a day in that T-Shirt?
So today's gallery really does begin and end with two of man kinds greatest achievements, Google, and Coffee. With some amazing pictures in between. ( I don't just throw these galleries together you know? There is a lot of thought behind it. There is a lot going on, on many levels. )
Starring, in order of appearance : Envy Watts, Kirsten Smith, EmeeLee Rage and Raelin Rage Murphy ( By Raelin. ), Eva Brunswick, Lagsa and Elle Claven, with more Eva finishing up with Coffee! ( Feel free to discuss Eva's coffee in Pornstars Group. Doing that with your coffee, will get you a good grind every day! )
Smiles ....its new style of a coffee table...for some reason no one wants my coffee....just the table..?? :-P