Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hello! Pornstars! : Club Erotique : Sept 22

A sleazy unscrupulous Pornstars® Paparazzi took a whole load of pics at Club Erotique Sunday just gone. Yes it was me! I have two Blog posts worth. So if you don't see yourself here, maybe you'll get a glimpse of yourself on the next post later this week.

It was a very nice party, lots of yummy looking av's, fun, jokes, and some great tunes from DJ Yana as usual.

If you've never been to a Pornstars party, then why are you waiting? You get snapped by the Pornstars® Paparazzi , blogged, make friends, and useful contacts, swap tips on how to do everything Porn scene related, and mix and mingle with the stars already out there. So look out in Pornstars chat, and look out for notices promoting future events.

See you there!

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