I wanted to take this chance to say a huge thank you to every Blog reader, visitor, up loader to the sexiest group, every contributor, movie maker, every body who supported our Official Pornstars Parties, and all the Pornstars members who produced such hot memorable content in 2013.
Really the content of this Blog, produced by our members has just gone off the scale in terms of quality, and hotness, it has just kept on evolving during my years on this Blog and I never fail to be amazed at the new pics and movies I see every day. I am looking forward to seeing where it's all going to go in 2014.
I know the Pornstars Group in Second Life, and this Blog will be showing your amazing work still every day for a long time to come. I am very grateful to katina Cazalet, and Eva Brunswick for their blog posts. Which help me cast my net further, and feature more Pornstars.
After tough times in 2013, with us having to start the group again from scratch we're now the biggest porn group in world once again! With even more producers/photographers than ever before, more active models and actors, more parties and a bigger social scene, making it easier and more friendly for newcomers. Things are and will be better than ever.
I hope we can always try and keep our group fun and hot, and able to always provide the fantasies that have made it such a great community for many years, and make the dreams come true for any Second Lifer who decides they want be a Porn Star. I hope people see they are in a group that can give them everything they need to be a star, and have a blast doing it.
Thank you, you all make the group what it is, and the blog look fantastic.
Have a hot, horny, happy, fun, Pornstars New year!
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