Ole ole ole oh oh, and welcome to your Official Pornstars® Gallery. Do you have your Vuvuzelas ready? Awesome. You deserve to be shot on the spot. For our american readers: don't worry, this is about the football thing that is played with the round balls and without paddings.
The world cup starts today, and I choose to open with a sexy pic by the lovely ninja nudist Kat Kassner, and with two shots from the great sets that Kaoru Kira has been doing since a long time already, third one in the making. I swear I have never seen anyone coming more prepared for a big event. Makes me want to start working on a big advent calendar for the blog right now.
Anyway, I hope you are all set for the games, including a lot of yum snacks, and not find yourself in the bad predicament Daimaju Clowes is in in the following pic.
Now, for the normal schedule: mr Jackson shooting Vixxen Rainbow, Tegann Parx and Mandylovsyou, twice. Nakuru Bergamasco and his pants, and more Nak with Zynda. Followed by Murderdolls24's work in a couple pics with Vampiresssa and erbyg, Melinakis with Suna Squirtella overcoming technical difficulties better than McGyver, and two pictures by the very talented (if I may so) and always arousing (I definitely can say so!) Marika Blaisdale. First pic features Vudagie, second one TexasRob MacRae, and both feature herself, her favourite model and crash test dummy, and the always happily avalaible and saviour of photoshoots mr. Graham Collinson.
We are now nearly done with this overlong intro (next time I'll have an intermission), telling you that the remaining pics are : Leannamai with MW Jonson, Nearly Doune (see?) with Serena, Parthenea Mytilene, and senor Yoho Waco with his delightful wife Endora. Have a great day!

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