Deelite and Rysan are widely acknowledged as being at the very top of our scene. Views, ratings, and glowing comments accompanying every film release underline this fact too. Being part of another couple involved in the SL porn scene myself i can guess how much fun they have on their projects, and how much they become a artistic labour of love. I think this shows through increasingly in Deelite and Rysan's movies now. You do not get this great sense of style, artistic flare, and carefully crafted Machinima by cranking out several movies a week, or just going through the motions to keep yourself out there. These two love being around each other, and love creating together. It shows through and adds that extra sparkle.
Rysan and Deelite i believe subscribe to the school of thought which says if you don't have a great idea you can run with and have fun with, or be inspired by enough to make it something quite special, then don't make it at all. Wait until you do, and deliver it in style.
Rysan is a true artist of all Machinima, not just porn. i urge anybody to check out his catalogue of truly great projects. When you throw this art into porn, and team him up with one of the sexiest girls on the SL porn scene, who has always herself been a director who delivers the most amazingly sexy innovative imagery. The combination is unbelievable. I believe they are in a small group of producers who truly "Direct" a movie to the point it becomes a work of art.
Rysan and Deelite may not have been the first to use voice, by they have certainly blazed a trail to become the undisputed top voice acting production team. Ironically, i think by doing this so well, and pioneering this genre as well as they have, rather than start a trend, they have most likely given others second thoughts and given them cold feet!
Rysan's voice is just damn sexy. Deelite too delivers amazingly sexy voice performances. They both have true acting skills. So good it adds another tier of professionalism to what would already be a polished movie.
What can you expect from this team? When you see their "Effects Tests" more finely crafted than 90% of other full productions, you can get a sense of the level of quality on show. It helps also that they both look as good as they sound. You'd expect a couple who deliver such great visuals to look hot of course, and they do! Their movies hit you with stunning imagery, hot sexy scenes, shots designed from the ground up to look amazing through the "In Camera" effects achieved within Second Life, such as windlight settings, and animations. Combined with skillful post production in programs like Adobe After Effects. Anybody taking the path of planning their scenes so well in world, and having a true "Post Production" phase is on the right path. Effort and creative thinking always show through, but in the hands of two skilled artists like Deelite and Rysan it becomes something very special.
If you just want to have fun in Second Life Porn, don't let anybody stop you. You can be a porn star, have fun and make a lot of movies, meet a lot of people and have a blast. However, If you want to reach the top, wow the audience, set standards, and step back from your work and be probably the proudest people in Second Life. Then watch ( and watch again, there are so many details to see. ) , learn, and be inspired by Rysan Falls and Deelite Zenovka.
By Serenity Juneberry.
More after the Jump...
Life With Dee Dee: Sneaking Out
Love, love, love, love their work!! And not just talented, really wonderful people too!! Thanks for a great article Serenity!!!
ReplyDeleteDear, Cutie ~ Serenity Juneberry, WOW! I could not have said any of those things better myself! You really pulled thoughts out of our heads and basically illuminated conversations that we have actually had with one another regarding the quality as opposed to quantity aspect of machinima in general! What I mean is, while we haven't ever made a habit to preach about what makes a good movie (though always willing to offer advice and/or assistance) the fact that our standards shine through to an intelligent individual such as yourself is really the most rewarding... since you are the type of audience our 'movies' are geared toward... ie. a human being, with not only a brain and sexuality but also a sense of humor! The concept of willing suspension of disbelief is expected to a certain degree with any real movies. But here in Second Life there are such serious challenges to the already difficult aspect of keeping your audience entertained. The mechanics of animations and filming/ post production can either give you or take away the opportunity to make things 'believable'. Making the fine details, as you pointed out in your article, is the very FOREMOST important thing to keep in mind when making machinima! That being said i think its even more important when it comes to porn, because many aspects of second life could quickly become a turnoff if not skillfully avoided! So I wholeheartedly agree with everything you said! Its great to be recognized and I couldn't be more proud to be associated with my partner, the great Machinimator Rysan Fall. While he is obviously the better of the team, I still do feel that we were maybe meant to find each other. We learn constantly as a result of spending time together and our ideas quickly turn into brainstorms to the point where we joke about having enough material to feed everyone! (sharing our ideas, since we have more than we could ever commit the time and energy to filming!) Thanks again, for noticin' us! you have no idea how great your post made us feel. <33 Love, Dee!!
ReplyDeleteWords cant express how grateful I am to have read something as nice as that written about us. Dee and I are really all about having fun with our videos...and hope to extend that same feeling to all that view our work. It really is an honor to be recognized like this. Thank you so much, again!...and stay tuned!
ReplyDeleteThankyou! :)
ReplyDeleteEmanuelle IM'ed me to tell me to check your comments, and wow, i was blown away. Thank you both so much. xx
I'm really glad to hear some of my assumptions were on target. Every comment was totally deserved. I wrote it not really knowing either of you other than through your work, so i think it says even more that you've conveyed what you did to an onlooker like myself.
It was a real pleasure to go back over your projects, but very hard work selecting screen caps! It was Kid in a candy shop time. LOL.
Wonderful article Serenity. Dee and Rysan are a few of my favorite makers of machinima, and i love their work, for the good story, the humor, the action and overall quality.