Erika Thorkveld is launching herself in a promising career as a reviewer! Like....clothes? Mesh bodies? Well...Yes, but in her very active blog she has embarked in a rather intriguing challenge. In her words...
Ever put an outfit together hoping that it would get you laid in no time? And then you went hanging out in your favourite naughty place and… nothing happened… Yeah, you've been there too, right? *grins* Well, I decided to put the outfits I made for this to test. And of course, for the test results to be accurate, I had to set up a strict test protocol. Here it is:
Once the outfit is put together, I'll go to a naughty place of my choice - I know quite a few *grins*. [...] From there, I'll see what happens: how many people contact me, how it goes, what they say about the outfit, and of course, if I end up getting laid and if the person(s) I end up with are good at it - a silent guy is probably wanking, which means he might have been horny from the start and has only jumped on the first occasion to shove his cock inside something looking female enough *grins*.
At the end of the 'experience', a rating will be given, considering all of the above: number of persons hitting on me, number of persons with whom I actually got laid, quality of the intercourse, etc… Of course, photos will be taken.
Read the details of Erika's naughty challenges on her blog! The pics are taken from her first 2 experiences. This one, and this one. Looking forward for more. Faces have been pixellated to protect the innocents visitors of the wholesome place called Nadine's Dirty Fuckbunker. Enjoy!

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