Update On Changes To Weekly Gallery Content
It is with a very heavy heart that i sadly feel it's time to bring my Weekend Sexiest® Of The Week Galleries sourced from Slushe.Com, DeviantArt, and Twitter/X to a close. At the end of this month. But don't worry! Things will proceed with a Primfeed Gallery or most likely 'Galleries' each Weekend. The reason for this phasing out is really all down to how Primfeed has changed the landscape of how we share our Second Life Porn Content today. Future galleries will be reflecting that more going forward. I have mixed feelings about this. I'm delighted we have such a perfect new Porn Photo host. But also very sad to say goodbye to the content sourced on the other platforms. And i am genuinely quite emotional about saying goodbye. These are places we all worked hard to build up and call home post Flickr Drama. I worked hard for and got deeply attached to the venture and those alternative platforms. I'm very proud of all the momentum and success we managed to build up in place of Flickr. And proud of everybody who came with us on the Journey. I will miss browsing and blogging you all on those three 'Free NSFW' sites each week. And i truly hope i can still feature everybody i loved seeing from DeviantArt, Slushe, and Twitter over on The Sexiest Primfeed Gallery each week. Details of how to register on our 'Pornstars On Primfeed Directory' below. Thankfully now we can all feel totally included at one single place once more. Along side other talented fellow Pornstars. Just as it was before Flickr's TOS changes.
I do hope Primfeed truly is the future it appears to be. I get nervous putting all our eggs in one basket once again after Flickr. But i do only feel positivity about Primfeed. And we do have that existing framework in place at those other alternative platforms should we ever need them.
I feel like those galleries featuring the Free NSFW content and platforms were a life line or a life boat which kept our little corner of the Porn Scene afloat until arriving right now in the Primfeed Era. As expected i'm seeing a big drop off in content uploaded to DeviantArt, Slushe, and Twitter platforms in favour of Primfeed. Which is no real surprise. I'm so happy to see it being embraced. This was always the dream scenario for us all. In turn though this does mean i am dealing with a lot of extra Primfeed content. And working harder and spending more and more time on The Sexiest Primfeed Gallery. And if i'm still having to run through the three other platforms and produce those two other galleries. Then it's all starting to get a little too much. Something had to give. Due to RL time constraints. And a lack of time also for my SL and my other projects. Logically moving completely over to Primfeed for all Gallery content made sense. Nobody at all is excluded from joining and using it for Free if they so wish. Un like Flickr! In fact even if a Gallery didn't exist for Primfeed. It would still be a huge enhancement for the Sexiest scene. With everybodies notices and URL's easily accessible and widely seen in the Pornstars Group again. This blog is not the only window for Free NSFW content for the whole scene any more. Thankfully. Plus if anybody is feeling obligated to Upload to various different places still. Hopefully this helps them out.
Thank you all so much for the amazing support on this particular gallery. I put everything in to making the alternatives to Flickr Pro featured every week here work. But it was the contributors with their amazingly hot content and the audience looking on that has made it such a success. Together we made it very special. I said way back at the beginning the three alternative content hosts were hopefully going to work out until we could find somewhere once again to all come together along side the rest of the scene. In my opinion we have now arrived at that time with Primfeed. It does not alter the fact i'm so sad to say goodbye to this gallery though. I'm so proud of everybody involved. We've now reached the end with this typically hot , creative, erotic wall of art below. But i truly hope to see you all over on the twice weekly Primfeed Sexiest Galleries. You'll find info below on how to join in. Hugs & Kisses. |
A Message To Our Regular Gallery Contributors And All Pornstars! - How To Register As A Pornstar For The Sexiest Primfeed...
Sadly we have no ability 'Yet' to form a Sexiest Pornstars Group at Primfeed. Or to use some form of # Hash Tag. Which could create a pool of content all members could contribute too. And a place for me to source Blog Centent. But do not fear! We have adopted a Pornstars Directory! And everybody who is able to view this blog can register on it! This is the way to ensure you really get on my Radar! As the first thing i do when compiling the Weekly Primfeed Gallery is run through the Directory and add content from those names. So, if you are used to featuring every week, and used the Sexiest Group at DeviantArt, The Community Sexiest tag at Slush.Com, or were members of The Sexiest List on Twitter. Getting on the Directory is a must and the equivelant of it. Please join it! I really want to keep showing you off every week! New updates and features role out every week at Primfeed. So lets hope a Sexiest Group Creation or Gallery creation at Primfeed is not too far away. Fingers crossed! We can be patient though. While enjoying this awesome new platform. The system we have in place right now although not ideal is working well!
"Everyone's a Star, and deserves a chance to shine!" - Marilyn Monroe.
Second Life Origins - The Ai Encore

Thank You So Much...We Made It!
So i really do want to thank everybody so much for showing support for the 'Non Flickr Pro' Galleries from DeviantArt, Slushe and Twitter/X here on the Blog. Including all the contributors and the thousands of visitors. Special thanks also go to those who despite being Flickr Pro members still joined in and took part in supporting us at those new homes. Purely through a sense of community for the Group and Scene. Helping to make the Galleries and Alternative Platforms such a success. Thank you so much everybody it meant so much!
When Flickr made the changes to its TOS i worried that a divide could open up on our Porn scene. And those that could not pay or just didnt want to might start to feel they were missing out on opportunities and spotlight. I did not want two classes of Porn Star to emerge in our Group. Even though among ourselves on platforms such as Slushe and DeviantArt we could interact as usual. Liking and commenting on each others pictures. It was a much smaller community than we were used to on Flickr. Friends and followers which had been built up didn't have accounts at those places. And as with Flickr, if you're not signed in you cannot see all the content. I knew it meant a large majority of Pornstars would not see some amazing projects members had worked on. Thankfully Primfeed has ensured there can be no such divide going forward. Without any intervention from me.
During those times directly after the Flickr changes i felt our Blog needed to be an outlet and a host for those new Free NSFW Platforms in use. Meaning i had to create brand new Galleries In order for the larger community to see all that hotness. Importantly those creating that content too had to feel they had the opportunity for an audience and at least weekly exposure on the scene. In my mind the new Galleries made everybody equal again. Our Blog had run Flickr Galleries for so many years, and now Slushe, DeviantArt and Twitter/X collections were needed too to keep things fair and balanced. Making it so 'Everybody' who wanted to be involved could be. For me that was the important detail. I wanted everybody in the group to be able to feel a genuine Porn Star all the time. And still be involved fully.
Thanks to Primfeed. We now have a level playing field once more. One platform which absolutely everybody on the scene can use. Every link shared can be seen widely by fellow members. Our 'Emergancy Mode' filled that hole with Slushe.Com, DeviantArt, and Twitter. We have built a awesome community among them all. But now have the opportunity to go back under the one umbrella with the whole scene all in one place and posting freely on Primfeed. In short if you are not on Primfeed, you really should be. Of course nobody has to stop uploading to those other great platforms. I certainly won't be stopping. But due to having to prioritize things due to free time. I'll be gathering content purely from Primfeed regarding this Blog and future Galleries.
Once again. Thank You! Marilyn always summed up my thoughts on the project. From beginning to end...
"Everyone's a Star, and deserves a chance to shine!" - Marilyn Monroe.
Serenity. 💋
Disclaimer/Rules : I know from experience many people look forward to and hope to be featured here. And they can be disappointed when they are not. I would like to say firstly follow the methods described above in order to be eligible. I also sometimes have limited time to spend on the blogging due to RL. I often rack up 15-20 hours plus per week on Group/Blog Admin and putting all this together! And on busy weeks i may only get one day per week to gather content on a particular hosting platform. If your work did not appear it may have been published after my blogging session expired. Meaning i did not see it for that given gallery. I will always try my best to feature everybody i can as regularly as i can. However, my weekly blogging takes in content from four separate platforms. And people can unfortunately get missed from time to time. The bottom line is, this is a random collection of content that happened to be released in the right place, at the right time. On the days that i was Blogging. If you're not here, you're still 'The Sexiest!' and it does not reflect your work at all x.
Every week i firstly check if content is from the last 7 days ( As this gallery is 'Of The Week'. ). Then by default run through every name on our 'Lists' and Groups ( details above. ).
I select images from artists all along the learning curve. From those regarded as the very best on our scene and anybody showing dedication, creativity, effort, passion, and desire to be an Artist and a contributing Pornstar. I always want to reward that. At the same time I do have to respect others included on this gallery. And seek a mininum quality threshold. This is usually dictated by image size, the Blogs display width is 900 pixels. Anthing below can display badly. I also feel i have to exclude photographs with excessive clipping on bodies and objects seen. This is a gallery full of quality 'Sexiest' images. They are the product of creativity and hard work. Not quick 'Snapshots'. Photos will primarily be Nudes, Sex Scenes, or Erotic Art of some kind. If clothed pictures feature they will have struck me as extremely hot and sexy!
Lastly, i do feature a 'Ai' section at the foot of Sexiest Galleries if required. This is called 'Second Life Origins - The Ai Encore'. The idea being the picture must have originated in Second Life. And ideally i would like to have seen evidence of this practice. If in doubt i won't publish. I feel it's important to separate this art form from regular SL photography. It is two distinctly separate forms of art. Ai content should be clearly marked as such. If not I will unfortunately have to stop featuring that person until i see they have started to identify the content properly. At this point i am trusting members of the scene to be honest about their content and output.
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