Congrats to the super hot and very talented Alexus Minotaur for being in our Spotlight this week. And i want to give huge thanks and big congrats also to everybody taking part. For providing us with not just an amazing gallery full of content. But for giving us all the absolute Sexiest® Porn Scene!This gallery is sure to be a hot wild ride as the weeks unfold. So please buckle up and know i am trying my best to make this feature an established and great weekly gallery worthy of the Iconic Sexiest® name. I just wanted to celebrate the awesome innovations going on at Primfeed ASAP. And reflect just what this gift of a Web Site means for us Pornstars and the scene going forward.
See the 'Disclaimer' at the foot of the post for gallery rules. Including Ai content qualification and extra info on what goes into this Gallery.
Until features emerge at Primfeed which allow for a Official Sexiest® Pornstars Group, List or Gallery. Or even a Hash Tag Which would provide a Content Pool of Pornstars together in one place. ( Amazing work is being done. We can be patient! ) For now we will do our best with the methods below.
I will be sourcing Blog Content For - Sexiest® Primfeed Of The Week - from my Followers/Following at Primfeed. With the preferred majority of images right now coming from Alexus Minotaur's 'DIRECTORY OF PORNSTARS IN PRIMFEED LIST' Here!
If you are not already on my Radar but would like to be eligible for this Iconic Pornstars® Blog feature via Primfeed. Then Join Alexus's LIST! Or Follow Me HERE! -
"Everyone's a Star, and deserves a chance to shine!" - Marilyn Monroe.
Serenity. 💋

Enjoy An Instant Audience Of Thousands! Network And Make Friends And Contacts In Our Lively Group Chat And Exclusive Pornstars Parties. Join Thousands Of Photographers - Directors - Fellow Models & Porn Actors - In Second Life's Largest And Best Porn Group.
Disclaimer/Rules : I know from experience many people look forward to and hope to be featured here. And they can be disappointed when they are not. I would like to say firstly follow the methods described above in order to be eligible. I also sometimes have limited time to spend on the blogging due to RL. I often rack up 15-20 hours plus per week on Group/Blog Admin and putting all this together! And on busy weeks i may only get one day per week to gather content on a particular hosting platform. If your work did not appear it may have been published after my blogging session expired. Meaning i did not see it for that given gallery. I will always try my best to feature everybody i can as regularly as i can. However, my weekly blogging takes in content from four separate platforms. And people can unfortunately get missed from time to time. The bottom line is, this is a random collection of content that happened to be released in the right place, at the right time. On the days that i was Blogging. If you're not here, you're still 'The Sexiest!' and it does not reflect your work at all x.
Every week i firstly check if content is from the last 7 days ( As this gallery is 'Of The Week'. ). Then by default run through every name on our 'List' ( details above. ). I then scan my Following/Followers at Primfeed for eye catching images for the remaining space in this weeks Gallery. This set up is by no means perfect and will change once further features roll out at Primfeed. When we can have some form of 'Sexiest Group' there. x
I select images from artists all along the learning curve. From those regarded as the very best on our scene and anybody showing dedication, creativity, effort, passion, and desire to be an Artist and a contributing Pornstar. I always want to reward that. At the same time I do have to respect others included on this gallery. And seek a mininum quality threshold. This is usually dictated by image size, the Blogs display width is 900 pixels. Anthing below can display badly. I also feel i have to exclude photographs with excessive clipping on bodies and objects seen. This is a gallery full of quality 'Sexiest' images. They are the product of creativity and hard work. Not quick 'Snapshots'. Also The Pornstars scene is a 'Mainstream' porn scene. Content will primarily be realistic depictions of 'People' in SL. Following the same rules as in the in world Sexiest Pornstars Group Description. Photos will primarily be Nudes, Sex Scenes, or Erotic Art of some kind. If clothed pictures do feature they will have struck me as extremely hot and sexy!!!
Ai Content Must Be Identified In Image Descriptions
Lastly, i am happy to run a 'Ai' section at the foot of Sexiest Galleries if required. This is called 'Second Life Origins - The Ai Encore'. It's been running over a year on my galleries here. The idea being the picture must have originated in Second Life. And ideally i would like to have seen evidence of this practice. If in doubt i won't publish. You will not miss out on appearing here if you indentify your work as Ai. So there is no need to hide it.
I feel it's important to separate Ai art form from regular SL photography. It is two distinctly separate things. It's unfair on other content creators to hide it. Therefore Ai content should be clearly marked as such. If not I will unfortunately have to stop featuring that person until i see they have started to identify the content as described. At this point i am trusting members of the scene to be honest about their content and output. As it's very difficult to tell sometimes If Ai has been used in a subtle way to enhance images. Which makes It even more unfair on the rest of this scene.
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