Insatiable Curse : Erotique Porn & Marla Carnell : Directed by Serenity Juneberry.
Vampire Queen Arwen Juneberry. With Marla Carnell. |
Last year we were sent a story by Marla Carnell. About a young girl with a fantasy of being seduced by a Vampire. Which of course with a few twists along the way came true to some extent! We filmed it and it became a favourite of many people who have contacted me, and enjoyed the film over the last 12 months.
Kain Darkfire and Marla. ( Look out for Serenity's Pussy in this scene of the movie! ) |
This year Marla sent us another script. Which was a direct sequel, and shows wonderfully the girls life after being held captive by the sinister vampire family for a year. This is a sexual adventure, with twists and turns right up until the finale scenes. I really enjoyed the challenge of bringing Marla's story to life, and representing what was in her minds eye on the screen. The ending was certainly a challenge, a special effects extravaganza! It is in fact the first sequel we've ever done, and it was a lot of fun to revisit and expand on a project.
katina Cazalet entertains Marla. |
Marla's Movie Synopsis :
Since being taken by a cruel vampire family in last year's "Once Shy, Twice Bitten," Marla has been held captive to feed the vampires' hunger for her blood and her body. Unable to take the nightly torture any longer, Marla begs one of her vampire tormentors to do the unspeakable and end her nightmare. But where one nightmare ends, another begins in "Twice Bitten: Insatiable Curse."
Clubbers get a shocking night out. Coco Silverweb, Jinx Jiersen, and Bud Solo. |
The movie was helped along by the wonderful, hot, and sexy starring cast, and also a great looking support cast too!
Marla Carnell
Arwen Juneberry
VamWolf Viper
Kain Flux
Katina Cazalet
Christina Vilda ( Christinalokki resident. )
Jinx Jiersen
Bud Solo
Louise Silverweb
Coco Silverweb
Donicus Vollmar
Serenity Juneberry.
Louise Silverweb and Serenity Juneberry. |
The film has no less than 5 sex scenes! Meaning 5 sets or locations. These were a mixture of purpose built sets by Louise Silverweb, who always gives me an amazing space to film in and be inspired, along with 2 locations one of our Loft's at Erotique, and if you've ever been to our parties, or pornstar events, you'll recognise the Club Erotique interior too.
Christinalokki seduced in the Grave Yard. |
A big variety of sex is on show, catering for most tastes! Girl on Girl, Guy on Girl, public sex, back alley sex! Grave yard sex! All set to some of my all time favourite songs and others which i felt fit the theme too. Even though I'm showing my age, i just loved the Club scene with Joy Division playing!
I hope you enjoy the movie, especially if you enjoyed the first instalment. If you see this one first, i hope you will go back and see how it all began
More pics after the jump!!!