Shot on my favourite third party viewer for photography. Niran's. Innovative features on the way out? |
I thought our readers would find this information interesting. It outlines some changes coming to third party Second Life Viewers. The picture above was taken on "Niran's" viewer. Like Kirsten's, and now with viewers such as Firestorm, and Exodus, many Second Life users, photographers, movie makers have come to like the innovations and outside the box thinking which can come with third party viewer development. However new rules which may stifle innovations, or even see them removed, will I'm sure make many of us unhappy at the thought.
Although, some of privacy rules being implemented can never really be too bad i guess.
Third party viewer photoshoot..OK! OK! I needed to liven up a bunch of text, this is a porn blog after all! |
Here is the information posted at Phoenix's site...
New additions to the Third Party Viewer Policy from the Phoenix website. You can view the full post here.
Today LL announced some additions to the Third Party Viewer Policy which will have some impact on our users. I'll just explain them briefly here but will discuss them in more detail as well as our reaction to them during our Office Hour on tuesday at 2pm SLT.
2.a.iii : You must not provide any feature that circumvents any privacy protection option made available through a Linden Lab viewer or any Second Life service.
This means viewers will not be allowed to have true online status. We will remove this feature in the next Phoenix update. LL has also indicated they intend to break scripts ability to look up a users online status except for the owner and creator of the script. No time frame has been indicated for when this will happen.
2.i : You must not display any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of any other Second Life user.
2.j : You must not include any information regarding the computer system, software, or network connection of the user in any messages sent to other viewers, except when explicitly elected by the user of your viewer.
This means that Viewer identification tags are now a policy violation. LL has indicated that they will be breaking the viewer tagging system for ALL third party viewers between Tuesday and Wednesday with the region updates. This also breaks color tags in our viewers.
2.k : You must not provide any feature that alters the shared experience of the virtual world in any way not provided by or accessible to users of the latest released Linden Lab viewer.
This means that third party viewers will no longer be allowed to innovate features which relate to the shared experience unless LL has the features in their viewers first. However LL has indicated an interest and preference in working with third party viewers to develop such features together.
Again, I will be discussing all of these changes, how they will effect our users and our viewer project on Tuesday during our Office hour at 2pm SLT. I'll provide more information on the location and live stream coordinates within the next few days.
Stay tuned...
Jessica Lyon
Project Manager
The Phoenix Viewer Project, Inc.