Friday, June 14, 2013

Classic Second Life Porn : Emmanuelle's "I Want Candi"

I Want Candi : Directed By Emmanuelle Jameson.

Released late summer 2010 "I Want Candi" was the first movie i ever reviewed in Second Life Porn. The blog post i did on my own blog was re published by Emmanuelle right here. So i guess it was in directly my first ever post on this blog. 2010 does not seem too long ago in RL terms, but in Second Life, and in SL porn so much has happened.

Yes..It looked amazing even on the Emerald Viewer!

Now it's easier than ever to look a million dollars, with mesh body parts, or the advanced physics we're used to can add so much to a video. We set up our viewers to project light, shadows, select cool artistic looking wind light effects, and graphics can wow anybody on many movies.

The video introduced "Candi Mendle" starring in her first ever role.

I Want Candi was shot on the Emerald viewer, with none of the above. It had a director with an eye for a very sexy shot, work done in the editing phase alone made it stand out and look awesome against the rest of the movies out back then. It was rightly so a smash hit and is now known as a total classic in Second Life porn movies.

The video is still a blue print today for shooting a sex scene. With wonderful editing, swapping between close ups, wide shots, and alternate angles. The scenes never ever get old, or stay on screen too long, it keeps moving along at a fast sexy pace throwing the hottest shots at us from start to finish. We're treated to two very sexy avatars, captured amazingly well by Emmanuelle, who managed to squeeze every ounce of the Sexiest® video possible out of a time, place, and viewer.

Many of us got our start in Second Life Porn thanks to help and kindness from Emma. Even if newcomers missed some of that, her creation of The Pornstars Group, Sexiest Flickr Group, and the founding of this Blog set up the porn scene we all enjoy today.

As you know Emma deserves some good, kind wishes today. Hence the tributes on todays Blogging.


Watch Emmanuelle Jameson's Classic after the jump!!!!

1 comment:

  1. We all love you Emma..and are all with you during this ruff time.. and huge hugs to you and also to Sere (again one of many times) for all you do to keep things going through all of this... you both are Great!!
    licks and kisses,
