But what is P.A.S.S. ?

(Little) Red Riding Hood by Woiven, winner of P.A.S.S. 's first picture contest 'Deadly in Red'
"The purpose of this Group is to allow aspiring Models and Actresses to succeed using experiences and combined knowledge and opinion to aid and guide them in the amazing SL Porn community. It is our purpose to keep the quality of the industry at its highest standard and help new people fully enjoy the community without being hampered by their lack of understanding and knowledge in the Industry.
XOXO Brea"

This group is a group by girls, for girls. To help the newcomers, and to share experiences between one another. I was genuinely impressed by how quickly Brea in a conference chat during one of those chaotic pornstars parties came up with the concept, the clever and catchy acronym, the idea for a logo, and gathered support to get it started.
You all know how Brea is relatively 'new' to the business but established herself as one of the top stars thanks to her drive, passion and motivation. She retains a freshness in her perspective (or hasn't had the time to get all jaded already!), and definitely wants to share what she learned.

'Another Hard Day of Work' by Buttacwup Pwincess (seanabrady)
My own experience as an used up....i mean, semi-new member of the pornstars community tells me that it's inevitable and in some cases advisable for smaller interest groups to form. We have seen through the years many production studios, a few personality-driven aggregations of like-minded individuals, sometimes accused of elitism in some form, and some groups who aimed at helping their member figure out how to make their way in the 'industry' at large.
It has been the case of Studs of Porn, born from an idea of Gaheris Edelmann and aimed at the male population of porn, and P.I.C. , the Porn Information Centre founded by Eva Brunswick. The collaboration with our blog for both project had fruitful results in the past.

Rhysia McDonnell's entry to the 'Deadly in Red' contest
I thank Brea for involving me in this project, and I appreciate a lot the accent she put on stimulating the creativity and the proactive efforts of the members. She begun by launching the idea for a photo theme of the week, and even on short notice the results have been noteworthy. Deadly in Red was the first theme, and the deserved winner of a prize from the wonders of Brea's closet was Woiven, with the stunning photography you saw opening the post.
The next theme , due on Wednesday 18th is "Pretty in Pink".

by Adrenalynn Ling, 'Deadly Precision'
We'll be waiting for your Pretty in Pink photos!
If you are a girl, and if you want to join a group that focuses on sharing experience and help avoiding some of the most common pitfalls of the industry, from misplaced trust to lack of knowledge, not to mention the deadliest enemy for everyone, the lack of drive and motivation...Think about joining P.A.S.S., fill up the questionaire, and take part to the contest! I'll be glad to blog the results in the coming weeks again.
And for any contributions to this blog, please! I am only happy to do cover your work!
Great post on a wonderful new group. If you haven't already, do join. As an only slightly used up, semi-new porn star, I am glad to help pass on what I have learned, and I am sure there is still lots for me to learn as well!