Might as well come up with a new article then, no?
The owner of the website, known as Muze, has a record of being very approachable and truly nice, having helped some of us with technical issues and answering questions. So, there you have it, I tried contacting him...
... and he was kind enough to give me his answers! Enjoy. And meanwhile, bear the sight of some screenshots from random and not so random movies i was browsing on NM meanwhile. Only SL-related, although of course you can find tons of digital porn from all pixel walks of life there!
- The website went through a total revamp: what made you decide to go through this change?
" The answer is simple; I wanted Naughty Machinima to be functional on mobile devices and tablets. This upgrade allows that to happen. The cosmetic changes were secondary to this particular improvement under the hood, although the new look is related, as it is adaptable to multiple screen sizes and more touch screen friendly, while still very comfortable on a PC or Mac. The technical addendum to this is that Flash, widely being phased out, is no longer required, and the future proof HTML5 is relied on instead."
- Pardon the naivety of the question, coming from someone who can barely put together a post in Blogger: how did it work? You designed the website yourself, you had help working on it?
" While I run and maintain Naughty Machinima as a sole proprietor for now, major changes such as this benefit from outside help. The design of the website is defined by the software that I chose when I created the site in 2008. This software is basically a CMS (Content Management System) not unlike Wordpress, just based around posting and commenting of videos in place of blog posts.
I have updated the software several times since then, and usually the developer is hired to install the upgrade. There are other aspects of the site that I customize either by making my own changes or installing modifications created by others. "
- There was also some fine tuning going on the first week...
" The most aggravating part of the upgrade was an unexpected problem with the streaming feature. This particular type of streaming allows skipping ahead in videos before they are loaded and is a nice convenience. It wasn't working, causing all videos to fail for a day or two, until I found a new streaming solution that works better on my server as well as being compatible with this version of the site's software."
- Tell us about some of the changes that make you proud the most, and what we have to look forward to in this new incarnation of NM.
" Mostly I'm happy with the look and functionality of the site; everything is tighter than previous iterations, and I hope casual viewers on their phones or tablets enjoy the ability to check out videos on the site. The plan was always to allow for premium memberships, while keeping the free version of the site exactly as it is now - no change. Premium memberships would turn off advertising and increase the upload size limit, among other things. That isn't in the works yet, and may never be.
Yearly credit card fees for "high risk" websites (in other words adult sites) are very high, and the technical allowances just aren't currently there for the code without heavy modification, which again would require hiring a programmer. I can't say that I have the time to take that on nor to maintain and support a paid user base. But that would be the ideal direction for Naughty Machinima in the distant future...."
- One of the changes is about the rating system, now a facebook-like 'Like' system. Any particular reason behind the change, do you think the new one will work better?
" I wasn't aware of this particular difference in this newer version of the site's software until the upgrade went through. So it wasn't a calculated choice, it just happened :-) I personally like it better, and I hope the users do as well. "
- Lastly, NM is about so many games.Tell us a bit about yourself, what games do you play, and if you have ever played Second Life!
" When I'm not running the websites, I play keyboards performing in a variety of bands in festivals and clubs all over the northeast US.
I have never played Second Life although I regularly see the adult aspect of that world through their eyes via their videos. I have a lot of experience with adult games, as I also run Adult Game Reviews, but mostly I play single player games that give me both an open world and a narrative. Role playing games tend to fit that mold the best.
The Witcher 3, the Gothic/Risen series, Fallout: New Vegas, the original Fallout 1, Ultima games (going way back here).
But also games like State of Decay, Thief series, Grand Theft Auto series, and the occasional city builder or Dungeon Keeper clone. Seems like a lot of games, and it is, but that's spread out over many years. I don't have as much time for gaming these days, but I try to fit it in when I can! "
Thank you very much again to Muze for his kind contribution, and I hope all our users will keep having fun using www.naughtymachinima.com ! It is a huge depository of SL-related porn videos, some dating way back and otherwise unavalaible, and I have seen a few people doing re-uploads recently thanks to the nice changes in the website, all the more worth visiting. Have fun browsing it, and making movies and putting them on it, of course!

I have very little exposure to the SL adult video scene, but I still read this. These type of posts, by the best blogger in our community, are why I feel The Sexiest blog is a go-to source for all kinds of things related to what we do and enjoy in SL. Keep up the great work!!!
ReplyDeleteIt would be nice if Muse had actually spent ANY time in SL, I hadn’t realized before this he didn’t. But I guess it’s not important to be involved with the place that brings your site so much content.
ReplyDeleteDo you think Google search brings all those hits on anything titles with the name Naughty Machinima or slporntube? I know they are the most viewed post on my blog to the point I removed the list of most viewed all time, because they are about 10 times ahead of any other post in views. I really just thought it was a portal post that someone used as a link to get to my blog.... or Muse. But since he does give a shit about SL I know better now.
Naughty Machinima is a great place to get your video views, it’s a great place to have haters leave negative ratings on your videos too and it’s a great place to get your videos LOST in all the uploads of the 20 second or less videos as well.
Seem the mentality on NM is that SL videos are bad (not just mine) and thus must get negatively rated. So if ones going to post there you better not have a tender ego because don’t expect the likes of your video to be favorable.
Great post Katina :)