Gonna hit it off with a few snapshots from the just-sex work of 2 directors you all know, beginning with

And who plays who is obvious.

You might not see the elusive nipples of the female protagonist, but you'll surely see from her a lot of the booty promised in the title, and her oral prowess too.

If you wanted pirates, tho, you'll be disappointed. :-(

And if you wanted beasts, I am sorry to disappoint even more, but this time this other movie from Kayla Whittaker doesn't involve any of the sorts.
It does involve quite a bit of sex, tho! Darn, it's like we are a porn blog or something.
It's a straight sex flick, and if you are looking for that, you won't be disappointed.
The action is quite dynamic, and while you can probably find more up-to-date sets and decorations and overall graphics, what you see on screen is energetic and well shot, with good positioning and a truly enjoyable general feel of, uh, merry bangery. Yes. I think I just made up a word or two, but you know what I mean. It's cool to see these 2 go at it!

And now, for something entirely different, it's my absolute pleasure to feature a new effort from Erin Cedarbridge's Club E! Again complete with blog post for you to check out
The plot for this? Oh, see, your standard plot, heard a million times... "A woman intimidated by high-powered vibrator hardware opts for a "sensitive" model, with unexpected results."
I mean...enough said, right?
I am not gonna post a lot of snaps from this, not to spoil it for you, but it's simply brilliant. Another great rendition in SL from Erin of a very humorous video, after her version of 'If Women Catcalled Men' (which I also reccomend to check out even if not technically 'porn': it involves so many people from our scene).
Anything with a Benny Hill yakkety sax receives my thumbs up, and I think that we have already 2 strong contenders for next year's award show(s), between the romantic vibrator of this video (with an eerie Dalek-like glow) and Gaheris' sexy walks in the aforementioned one. Sil (siliconvydude69) and Sandy Miggins look awesome in this, as always, so it's always a plus too.
Well, we had a mix of sex and fun, and for today it's enough ! Have a great rest of the day and check them out! Enjoy this, after the hump. I mean, jump.
Vids are after this! Hit me up with material for a post, if you want to be featured without me taking horrible snapshots! :O
Thanks, and now, enjoy! For movies on NM, remember to hit HD for a better view.
Booty and the Beast
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