Of course we all know about Luffy aka Lasga Claven: he is one popular photographer known for a trailblazing style of finely edited photography. He dabbled in filmaking years ago already, but seems to be more serious about it as of late. The latest chance seeing him in action is of course, in this new movie, by the telling title 'Get Wet'.

A very dynamic shoot with a fast paced edit, you will certainly enjoy the ride: Lasga can't work his edit magic like in the pic processing, and it's interesting to see what he does here to express that raw erotic strenght that so many of his photos show in a very different way.

Of course there ARE many willing other subjects he has at his disposal, and to celebrate Happy Ass Monday, I just have to invite you to peek at some other wicked vids by him that certainly fit today's theme, out of his Pornhub account...

Like for instance, 'Jiggly Butts', the compilation...

An energetic remix of some 'jiggly bits' from other productions by Lasga. Which of course amounts to a real plethora of amassing, er, amazingly sexy girls. Worth a view for sure, for all the bubble butts fans out there!

And the list of this compilation includes Angie (Angelinn), Ashleah da Firenze, Barbiedoll, Bri (Brivampire), Camille Montero (cgrose), LCaltie G. (Caitlyn Garfield), Molly Bitch (Gothicscandy Darkwatch), Monica Wiles, Nadiax Zenovka, Natalie French (natahliya), Pinky (c00kiiem0nsta), the one and only Priscila Balogh, Tiffany Cummings (heyangelus) and of course Cass and another one model I love to follow just to see what trouble she gets into, Francesca (amywickers).

But(t) enough namedropping...it was just an excuse to show some more ass. Have a Happy Monday and watch them butts after the jump!
Hi, I am the jump. Peek below...and hey, wanna be on the blog and let more people know about your stuff? Hit me up with an IM!
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