I am gonna talk about...
Yep! Well, you all know that I have a fondness for a good story in a video (you all know it NOW because I just told you), but at the same time, implementing it is a long labour of love, sometimes. And a nicely made machinima, as you have seen in our previous posts, in last year's awards outcome, and through the whole definition and idea of 'making a sex/erotic video', ultimately needs that: to be sexy and show some flesh in a hot way!
I'd be hard pressed to think about people that in the past year have featured more people, and with more prominence in their roles, than Marika Blaisdale, with her doing countless photoshoots for her flickr, a minimum of 2 pictorials of a model for her bi-weekly mag, and also her movies.
And this series makes no exception. Imagined and designed to involve as many people as possible -especially males, who end up normally getting less chances to be on camera, although often for their own, ahem, how can I put it, elusiveness- through a no-nonsense 'serial' formula, this 'challenge' sees Marika and her partner 'challenge' one another with a new victim in every episode.
Beginning with the first episode (shocking, hm?)... "Knowing her friend George is coming over, Marika dares Katina to go ahead and seduce him. Kat accepts..."

and comes up with a 'victim' of her own....

and thus, the Fuck Challenge is born! Who will be next?"
Well, so far, Marcus Strong...

Well, I think the snapshots -as poor as i take them- do speak for themselves. Marika puts together truly great visuals - I saved so many snapshots re-watching the series, and I wish I could spam you with a ton of them, but i exercise restraint. And you really need to see the whole thing in motion to appreciate it, anyway. So now, enjoy the movies after the jump...and while you are at it, ask yourself: wanna be part of the Challenge? Try and give us a call in-world. You know...we always love to get new victims.
Also, if you want to contribute your own way to the blog, hit me up! Yes, yes, hello, I am the Jump, and the movies are just below! Hit HD for a better view!