Pornstar Larry Vinaver enjoying a drink and plannin future whisky commercials.
Summer might not be officially with us just yet, but there's certainly no shortage of hot nights in the life of Pornstars. If bodily fluids are going to be sucked, you can rest assured it's not the mosquitos' doing.
You took party photos ? Wanna be on the blog? Are you interested in being a party photographer for the Pornstars group ? Do you host a party and want people to see the sexy patrons that visit and have a good time at your place? Just upload your photos on flickr, and IM me to be sure I don't miss them out!
Many photos from many different parties ranging across the past couple of weeks here. Beginning with Ayara Illios' photos from her Thursday party hosted at Poppa Bear's.

Thursday saw also the debut of a party in the very familiar Porn*stars beach, featuring the sexily voiced Suff! Shown here with her partner, Master and fellow DJ James.

All the coverage of the SL Porn parties is as usually avalaible in full on their blog! This one in particular features photos from Zoey Winsmore. Ah, just have to show her a bit , sorry.
You never have enough photos of people frolicking pool-side, tho, so here's a few lovely takes from a Saturday party by Tammy Jones !

And did I say blog? Urmeli Ellisson snapped some shots too,

and featured on her own blog shots a few from Club Erotique's party with Yana, just a couple days ago.
Go on her blog post to see more !
I am including now a couple shots still from the latest, by Raven and by Asari....

But OH LOOK AT THE TIME! Another Erotique party is happening right now. Sheesh!
That's enough for this edition of Hello! Pornstars, but there's always more to come! Enjoy your party time, virtually every day it's time to Party like a Pornstar! And take pics to send me :p
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