"A sassy librarian finds a way for a delinquent to pay for his overdue library books. "
Wow, I thought the librarian in 'Past Due' was being a bit overzealous tackling on the slack, but she's got nothing on the character played by Anyka here! She's so mean!
Then again....I am not sure if she is the one who gets the upper hand in this one!

Erin Cedarbridge, here also in a small role, always knows how to make the material at her disposal shine, keeping things interesting. And her actors surely put together a great display, with the always reliable G as the easily swayed family man, and Anyka Aiseri (one of the stars alongside Erin in another much anticipated video, but I am sure you know about it already!) looking positively ravishing here.
With 2 beautiful actors like this, Erin shots the movie in a very sensual way, with great views on their facial expressions and a sultry, hedonic pace. I loved the voice track at the beginning, the banter was really entertaining, again as per the tradition of Club E's movies!
Speaking of awesome voice tracks...
This movie by Kayla Whittaker features one that truly you need to listen to.
Kayla with her Digital Visage has a penchant for pushing the limits in sex and has a very active imagination. In this movie, she does what I love the most: she tackles the subject with humour, with a nice light-hearted tone all the way through...but it's sex all the way, I tell you. Not a moment of pause once she starts it up.
... Literally.
What can I add to that? I don't want to give away all the plot, suffice to say that it involves Kayla purchasing a, let's call it, sex bot on MP -thankfully not as chatty as a Vibrator Boyfriend. It has a humorous twist or two I won't spoil, I DO need to say tho that Kayla did a great job with the montage here: when there is a need for a change of pace, it's brilliantly executed.
As I already said in the past, there are videoclips around shot with more powerful hardware (my screenshots degrade the picture quality a bit too, sadly), but Kayla has a firm knowledge of all the directing tools and puts together here, thanks also to the well thought captions, a really nice and memorable production. And OH MY, THE VOICE TRACK!! I tell you, the actress there really was earning her paycheck.
Again a mix of sex and fun in this post, and we are done for today! Stay tuned on the blog for more and more photos from Ali and Moonie, party photos, and of course, more movies!
Click below to watch sum porn!
And I want you to write me so you tell me EVERYTHING about your own porny antics too!
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