One very well known face (amongst other assets) is Carla Draesia, gracing the scene here with of course Ves, in the latest movie, The Show Down.

in a very dynamic, cute and titillating vid,
and alongside the experienced M3 Jonson, with another debutante, Renee India.

with all sorts of shenanigans happening, in what is a popular shaggin' spot for Pornstars this summer.
...and where there is never shortage of liquids, and you can safely say, 'drinks are on me, please'
Ves' movies get better and better: as you can see from this small collection of screenshots.
In the latest movie he focused very nicely on the female star Carla, showing her off with nice and well deserved focus, but in the other movies he captures always the trickier bits of action in an effective way, making time to give us some quite stirring views.
Thanks also to the always hot and curvy models!
I very much appreciate the chances given by Ves to first-time actresses in his productions, and remember to contact him, BigDaddyVesVNM in world , or his partner Asarisunshine, and perhaps you will be a star in one of his movies, or Asari's lovely shoots. Who knows! Can't wait to see your face there!
...amongst other assets, i said it before.
Enjoy the movies and their quite catchy soundtracks, after the jump!
And tell me more about your own movies, anytime!
Thanks! And now enjoy...
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